LRN International GCSE Information and Communication Technology (7927)
LRN International GCSE Information and Communication Technology (7927)

LRN International GCSE Business (7142)
Accreditation | LRN International GCSEs are GLOBALLY RECOGNISED qualifications designed specifically for INTERNATIONAL CANDIDATES and are available outside the United Kingdom. Candidates based in England refer to the Ofqual register. |
Level | Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate |
Grading | 9 to 1 |
Assessment | Written exam papers |
Guided Learning Hours | 130 |
What you'll learn
- Business studies
- Organisation in business
- Internal and external influence in business
- Marketing in the business environment
Mode of Delivery
The LRN International GCSE Business Studies has been designed to reflect the wide variation in candidates’ origins, levels of education and career aims. Progression opportunities may, therefore, take a variety of paths. Depending on the level of qualification achieved, it may be appropriate for the candidate to progress to:
1. Similar level 2 qualification in Business Studies;
2. LRN Level 2 Certificate or Diploma in Pre-A Foundation Studies;
3. LRN Level 3 Diploma in Pre-U Foundation Studies;
4. A higher level of any qualification – e.g. A-Level, Diploma
5. Vocationally Related Qualifications
Breakdown of Assessment Objectives
AO 1 – demonstrate knowledge and understanding of business concepts and issues
AO 2 – apply knowledge and understanding of business concepts and issues to a variety of concepts
AO 3 – analyse and evaluate business information and issues to demonstrate understanding of business activity, make judgements and draw conclusions
The assessment for this qualification consists of written exam papers, set and marked by the LRN.
Exam series are in:
• January (results released in March)
• June (results released in August)
• November (results released in January)
Whereas candidates can re-take the whole qualification as often as they wish, individual components cannot be re-taken as it is a traditional linear specification. Please remember, one entry per qualification is sufficient and will cover all the question papers including certification.