The International English Language Competency Assessment (IELCA)

The International English Language Competency Assessment (IELCA)

The International English Language Competency Assessment (IELCA) assesses four aspects of the English language including READINGLISTENINGSPEAKING, and WRITING, and offers two routes: ACADEMIC and GENERAL TRAINING (IMMIGRATION).

Qualification Accreditation Number601/5035/X,
601/5041/5, and
Duration3 hours (approximately)
CEFR levelB1 to C2
Test formatComputer or paper-based
Total Qualification Time (TQT)327 Hours
a. Guided learning hours (GLH): 250 hours
b. Self-study (SS): 70 hours
c. Formative assessment: 3 hours 59 minutes
d. Summative Assessment: 3 hours 01 minutes

What you'll learn

  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Writing

ESOL International Qualifiactions

ESOL International qualifications are designed for candidates who are not native speakers of English and who wish to achieve a high quality, internationally recognised qualification in English that is both available and recognised worldwide and covers the whole range up to the highest level (NQF level 3 / CEF C2). They are suitable for candidates who are preparing for entry to higher education or professional employment in the UK or elsewhere. ESOL International qualifications are designed to reference the descriptions of language proficiency in the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEF). The levels in the CEF have been mapped to the levels in the National Qualifications Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (see Pathways to Proficiency: the alignment of language proficiency scales for assessing competence in English Language).

Course description

The International English Language Competency Assessment Exam (IELCA) assesses four aspects of English language that include READING, LISTENING, SPEAKING, and WRITING and offers two routes: ACADEMIC and GENERAL TRAINING.

The Academic module assesses candidate ability to access undergraduate or postgraduate courses in educational institutions, colleges, and/or universities of English-speaking countries. The General Training assesses English language skills in a wide range of frameworks and is also appropriate for people who need English for use in secondary education for immigration purposes, work experience and other training purposes.

Both routes assess four components of the language ability, i.e. reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Unlike other standardized exams, our test results will be communicated in a maximum of ten (10) days.

The IELCA fees are TND620.

For the exam preparation fees, please contact us at:


Whilst the submitted title of this qualification is the LRN Entry Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International (IELCA CEF B1),LRN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (IELCA CEF B2), LRN Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International (IELCA CEF C1) and LRN Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International (IELCA CEF C2) the brand name of this qualification will be the International English Language Competency Assessment (IELCA). LRN will ensure it provides accurate and correct information regarding the title of this qualification to centres, candidates and other users of this qualification.


This specification document provides an overview and orientation to IELCA for candidates, centres, administrators, teachers and examiners and outlines the key features and administrative procedures required for this test.


IELCA is designed for all ”non-native English” speakers that are required to improve their English language skills at CEFR level B1 to C2. Candidates taking IELCA will need to demonstrate they are capable of handling familiar and routine communication in the areas of reading, listening, writing and speaking pitched at level B1, B2, C1 or C2 on the Common European Framework (CEFR).

Candidate Category

Candidates interested in taking IELCA may include those who:
1. Need access to Higher Education.2. Are working or seeking work in an English speaking environment.3. Are living and working in a country where the native and official language is English.
IELCA learners are made up of a range of different national and cultural backgrounds.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for candidates taking this qualification. It is also not necessary for candidates to have achieved a qualification in English prior to registering.
However, LRN would recommend that candidates are well-prepared before taking this test.
Downloadable sample materials are accessible through the qualifications section of the LRN website whereby candidates can access sample assessment material. LRN approved centres ensure that candidates are fully prepared to sit IELCA through using fully trained teachers and appropriate resources as laid out in the centre agreement with LRN.


ELCA has been designed to reflect the wide variation in candidates’ origins, levels of education and career aims. Progression opportunities may, therefore, take a variety of paths. Depending on the level of qualification achieved, it may be appropriate for the candidate to progress to:  

Vocational qualifications  
Access to Higher Education
Work or Employment

Recognition of Prior Learning

Please refer to LRN Recognition of Prior Learning Policy which is available on LRN website.

Language of Assessment

LRN aims to use English that is plain, clear, free from bias and appropriate to all candidates. LRN will ensure the assessment materials, stimuli and the assessment itself is carried out in English.

Qualification Overview

IELCA is based on the CEFR in that it reflects the level(s) of language ability which are as defined by the CEFR. IELCA is a single unit qualification. Candidates are assessed in all four components of reading, listening, writing and speaking. The total qualification time is 327 hours for this qualification.

Qualification Features

IELCA is a four language skills qualification which assesses four sub skills of the English language: reading, listening, speaking, and writing through one of two routes – Academic or General Training. References to the CEFR are made in the IELCA Mark Scheme in order to demonstrate linkage between the qualification construct and CEFR. The information below is a breakdown of IELCA qualification features.


LRN trained examiners are allowed to mark the writing and speaking components of the IELCA. Marks are allocated for each candidate in accordance with the IELCA mark scheme for writing and speaking. The timescales in which LRN will issue its results is 10 days (upon receiving the candidate results from the test centre).

Reading and Listening

The marking of Reading and Listening components of IELCA are completed by clerical markers using answer keys for each question paper. To ensure standardisation of each exam, the Reading and Listening clerical markers completed induction training followed by standardisation exercises prior to each paper (where required).
Results are then moderated by the moderation team in accordance with LRN’s moderation policy. Moderated results are then forwarded to the Lead Moderator for final approval.

Speaking and Writing

The speaking examination is conducted by one examiner, trained by LRN, and is recorded on a dictaphone. Marks are allocated for speaking and writing skill to each candidate in accordance with the IELCA mark scheme. IELCA is 100% externally assessed by an LRN examiner. Results are then moderated by the moderation team in accordance with LRN’s moderation policy. Moderated results are then forwarded to the Lead Moderator for final approval.


The receptive components for IELCA and Reading Listening contain 40 items (per sub skill) with each correct item awarded one mark. The maximum raw score a candidate can achieve on either paper is 40. Scores ranging from 10 to 50 are awarded to candidates on the basis of their raw scores.

The tables below indicate the mean raw scores achieved by candidates at various levels in each sub skill. IELCA Academic Reading, IELCA General Reading and IELCA Listening provide an indication of the number of marks required to achieve a particular score.

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