This specification document provides an overview and orientation to IELCA for candidates, centres, administrators, teachers and examiners and outlines the key features and administrative procedures required for this test.
LRN aims to use English that is plain, clear, free from bias and appropriate to all candidates. LRN will ensure the assessment materials, stimuli and the assessment itself is carried out in English.
IELCA is based on the CEFR in that it reflects the level(s) of language ability which are as defined by the CEFR. IELCA is a single unit qualification. Candidates are assessed in all four components of reading, listening, writing and speaking. The total qualification time is 327 hours for this qualification.
IELCA is a four language skills qualification which assesses four sub skills of the English language: reading, listening, speaking, and writing through one of two routes – Academic or General Training. References to the CEFR are made in the IELCA Mark Scheme in order to demonstrate linkage between the qualification construct and CEFR. The information below is a breakdown of IELCA qualification features.
The speaking examination is conducted by one examiner, trained by LRN, and is recorded on a dictaphone. Marks are allocated for speaking and writing skill to each candidate in accordance with the IELCA mark scheme. IELCA is 100% externally assessed by an LRN examiner.
Results are then moderated by the moderation team in accordance with LRN’s moderation policy. Moderated results are then forwarded to the Lead Moderator for final approval.