This specification provides an overview to the LRN International GCSE Economics1. This
document is suitable for various users, including candidates, centres, administrators, employers, parents/guardians, teachers (and other related staff) and examiners. The specification outlines the key features and administrative procedures required for this international qualification.
The LRN International GCSE Economics is designed to enable international candidates to
demonstrate their ability in terms of a background to Introduction to Economics, Introduction to resource allocation, Macroeconomic government interventions, Economic development and Introduction to Globalisation.
This qualification has been constructed to be delivered within centres. Centres will need to
demonstrate to LRN, through the centre recognition processes, that they have the resources, facilities and competence to deliver. However, centres must be able to demonstrate, in line with LRN’s criteria, that they have the means, capability, capacity and resources (including suitably qualified centre staff) to deliver by the method chosen by the centre.
Whereas candidates can re-take the whole qualification as often as they wish, individual components cannot be re-taken as it is a traditional linear specification. Please remember, one entry per qualification is sufficient and will cover all the question papers
including certification.